Now you don't need to carry any documents like vehicle registration papers and driving licence. government brings you an app called DIgilocker.it will take responsibility about your vehicle documents and driving license though a Digilocker app, 

A year ago, the government launched the DigiLocker, a digital locker for all your government documents. Now, DigiLocker has partnered with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways to allow you to get a digital driving license and vehicle registration certificate. Once your state equips police and other officials with the app to verify these documents, you'll be able to leave your physical documents behind when you're driving.

Using this is pretty simple - you sign up to the DigiLocker Android application which verifies your phone number using an OTP. You then need to enter your Aadhaar details into the app to start uploading documents - you can upload your own scanned documents, and then there are issued documents, which are e-documents issued by the different government agencies

Up until now, you had to upload the driver's licence yourself, but with the platform launched, it gets simpler to have a digital copy of your driver's license and registration. These documents can be viewed by officials who will have their own version of the DigiLocker app, and it can also be used to issue penalty points.

Its a Nice thought towards digital india but untill now we listen problems with google play store app crashes .lets see this could be a better invention
